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Board of Health Minutes 07/15/09
C h i l m a r k   B o a r d   o f   H e a l t h

M i n u t e s

Wednesday, July 15 2009
Chilmark Town Hall

Present:  Katie Carroll (Chair), Mike Renahan, Jan Buhrman

Also Present:   Marina Lent (Secretary), Reid Silva (Vineyard Land Surveying and Engineering),  Chris Alley (Schofield, Barbini & Hoehn), George Sourati (Sourati Engineering), Walter Epstein (Chilmark Road Race Representative)

Jacobs (20-1&2)  The Board considered a well permit application for a replacement well in immediate proximity to the old well.  The accompanying plan, drawn up by Kent Healy, shows a distance of 70’ between the proposed well and the property line.  The Board approved the well permit application.

Abeja Realty Trust (33-123) Reid Silva (VLS) presented a disposal system construction permit application which was slightly modified to accommodate the seven bedrooms counted by Reid and Marina Lent.  The 7/14/2009 plan was approved by the Board.

Atwood (18-64)  Reid Silva presented a well permit application for a well on a hitherto undeveloped lot. The Board approved the application.

Allen (29-16.4) Clarissa Allen came before the Board to report that she plans to upgrade her Clivus toilet.  The Board welcomed the upgrade, but stated that Board approval is not required for what is essentially a plumbing job.

Freedman (25-127) Chris Alley (S,B&H) presented a proposed well replacement off Tilton Cove Road.  Mike Renahan asked why a new well was needed.  Noting that the property is located on the Chilmark Upper Pond, he expressed concern that the owner should be aware that overly-intensive use of the well, for example, through irrigation, could lead to salt water intrusion.  Chris Alley explained that the pump had been replaced about a month ago, and that the well is located in an old pit.  While it is currently not in failure, the owner thought it prudent to replace the doubtful well with a new well that will take a regular 4” submersible pump.  The well has not yet been staked, and there was no application before the Board.  The Board reviewed the plan, and instructed Marina Lent to approve the permit application on its behalf when an application is received.

Collins (8-2)  George Sourati (Sourati Engineering), presented a disposal system construction permit for an undeveloped property on Hammet Road, for which a permit had been approved 8-9 years ago, but the system was never built.  He noted that the proposal will not require variances from Title 5 or BOH regulations, but will require a pump system.  Mike Renahan emphasized the need for close engineering supervision of the construction process.  The Board approved the construction permit.

Road Race Proposal Walter Epstein presented the Sanitation and Trash Disposal Plan for the 2009 Chilmark Road Race, scheduled to take place on Saturday, August 8.  There will be a total of 12 Porta-Potties, eight at the Start of the race, two at Town Hall for bus loading and Finish of the race, and two at the Community Center for Registration and Awards.  The Board noted complaints received from property owners near the Start of the 2008 race, reporting that numerous people relieved themselves on private property.  Race participants had left behind unpleasant residue, including used toilet paper, despite insistent pleas that they avail themselves of the facilities provided.  Mr. Epstein assured the Board that the race organizers will do their utmost, including posting of additional volunteers at the Start of the race, to avoid a repeat during the 2009 race.  He agreed that more vigorous intervention by a Police Officer would be helpful.

Tent Permit applications for Buhrman/Osnoss (12-68);  Muglia (3 Blue Barque Road);  Martin/McGhee 195 South Road;  Sourati (3-54); were approved by the Board of Health.

BOH Chairmanship for FY’10  Katie Carroll noted that she has chaired the Board for one year, and offered to rotate out for Jan Buhrman.  Jan declined the offer, and Katie agreed to continue her tenure as BOH Chair for the coming year.

Public Nursing Update:  The Public Nursing education program for FY’10 is beginning to take shape:  Marina Lent reported that she and Nicole Barlett had discussed an in-school education on handwashing and cough etiquette in the Chilmark School in October, an event at the Library to update the public on recent developments regarding the swine flu, also in October, a public information event on diabetes in November, and a Lyme awareness talk in May 2010.  In addition, we are working with Library Director Ebba Hierta to change the venue of the monthly Bloodpressure Clinic to the Library, where it will likely attract more passers-by, and where the Library can help provide public health information.  The change in venue will likely take place in September, moving to the third Wednesday of the month from 12:30 to 1:30pm.  The Town Nursing Clinic will remain where and when it is, on the third Wednesday of the month at Town Hall at 2pm.

The following invoices were approved for payment:

·       MVRD  Quarterly Drop-Off Contract Q1 FY’10  $6,979.13
·       VNA June 2009  $510.00
·       Wampanoag Environmental Laboratory water testing $75.00
·       Soil Evaluator Class: $495.00

The meeting adjourned at 7:20pm.

_______________________         _______________________                  _______________________
Katherine L. Carroll, Chair               Michael A. Renahan                        Janet L. Buhrman
Chilmark Board of Health                Chilmark Board of Health               Chilmark Board of Health

A recording of this meeting is on file at the Board of Health office and available for on-site review.